NB Hot Topics Podcast

S6 E4: Chocolate Against Diabetes; 30 Year CVD Risk Prediction; Digital Access for Minoritised Ethnic Communities

NB Medical Education Season 6 Episode 4

Welcome to the Hot Topics podcast from NB Medical with Dr Neal Tucker. In this edition, we look at three new research papers.

Firstly, can eating chocolate actually reduce our chance of type 2 diabetes? Sounds too good to be true... Secondly, could a blood test predict your 30-year cardiovascular risk? Finally, how does general practice access going digital affect minoritised ethnic populations?

Look out next week for the second of our special interviews. We talk to Dr Katie Bramall-Stainer, chair of the GPC in England, about what does she hope general practice will look like in the future and the effects of collective action in England.


BMJ Chocolate vs diabetes
NEJM 30 year CVD risk prediction
BJGP Digitalising GP access and minoritised ethnic populations
