NB Hot Topics Podcast
The Hot Topics podcast from NB Medical brings you the latest in general practice current affairs, reviews the latest research relevant to primary care, explores interesting and important topics in-depth, and looks at cutting edge medicine.
NB Hot Topics Podcast
S5 E14: Discontinuing Antidepressants; Helping Persistent Symptoms; CVD In the UK
NB Medical Education
Season 5
Episode 14
Welcome to a new episode of the Hot Topics Podcast from NB Medical with Dr Neal Tucker. Today is election results day but we're not talking about politics, we're focusing on the research.
We look at a paper in the latest BJGP which looks at which factors influence a patient's decision to discontinue anti-depressants, explore a paper in the Lancet on whether a symptom-clinic led by GPs can improve outcomes for patients with multiple and persistent symptoms, and discuss trends in cardiovascular disease in the UK over the past 20 years, published in the BMJ this week.
NB Blog on Discontinuation of Antidepressants
BJGP Discontinuation of antidepressants
Lancet Symptom clinic
BMJ CVD trends