NB Hot Topics Podcast
NB Hot Topics Podcast
S5 E13: The "We're Making It Up" Election Song; Post-attack asthma f/up; Repeat Antibiotics for Cough; Aspirin After Breast Cancer
Welcome to the Hot Topics Podcast from NB Medical with Dr Neal Tucker. It's election time but we're going to put aside politics and focus on the latest medical research!
In this episode, we look at an important BJGP paper highlighting the rates of follow-up after a significant asthma attack, a paper in the Journal of Infection showing the high rates of second antibiotic prescription in ongoing cough, and a RCT in JAMA examining if, as suggested by observational data, aspirin can truly prevent recurrence or metastasis of breast cancer.
BJGP Post-hospitalisation asthma management in primary care
BJGP Editorial Asthma Deaths in Children
J of Infection Repeat Antibiotics for Cough
eCancer Aspirin for Cancer
JAMA Aspiring & Breast Cancer Recurrence